What is 4-H?
... a non-formal educational, youth development program. Youth are involved in hands-on experiential learning that allows learning by doing. All 4-H programs focus on active involvement and quality experiences which stimulate lifelong learning of values and skills. 4-H is easily recognized by the four-leaf clover emblem.
The 4-H Pledge
I pledge my Head to clearer thinking,
My Heart to greater loyalty,
My Hands to larger service,
and my Health to better living,
For my club, my community, my country, and my world.
4-H Motto
To Make the Best Better
Who can participate & age requirements?
Ohio Cloverbud 4-H Membership begins when a child has reached age 5 AND is in Kindergarten as of January 1.
Cloverbuds do not participate in regular 4-H projects and evaluations; instead, they participate in non-competitive activities that are specifically designed for their age level. The goal of the Cloverbud program is to promote confidence, social skills, decision-making abilities, knowledge, and physical skills of 5 - 8 year old youth. Read more about the Cloverbud program HERE.
4-H Membership begins when a child is at least age 8 and enrolled in 3rd grade as of January 1 of the current year. Ohio 4-H membership ends December 31 of the year in which an individual attains the age of 19.
4-H members can compete in a wide range of project areas, attend camps & contests, and participate in many other county, state, and national events.
NOTE: When counting "4-H years" - all enrolled years count toward membership (count both Cloverbud and "big" 4-H years).
Participants in Ross County 4-H in the Classroom School Enrichment also receive the benefits of 4-H membership and may join in 4-H sponsored events, including 4-H camps, contests, etc.
Who is in charge of 4-H?
Extension professionals are staff members of Ohio State University Extension who plan and coordinate county 4-H programming and work closely with members and volunteers.
Club Advisors are volunteers that organize the club work, help 4-H members choose projects, and assist them with preparations for judgings. All club Advisors and Volunteers must be approved through the Ohio State University Volunteer Selection Process before approval for volunteer work. This process includes an application, references, and a background check.
What is a 4-H Club?
A 4-H club may be organized within a school, church, or community. A club must have at least 8 members from 2 different families (not all siblings). A club must have an Organizational Advisor; clubs may have additional Advisors & Volunteers.
For current 4-H club & county requirements, contact the Extension office at 740/702-3200.
How do I join?
In Ross County, the deadline for enrollment is March 1. Advisors must have club enrollments (including all club member information & project selections) to the Extension office by this date.
Because many clubs meet year around, youth/parents can start as early as October in trying to find a club to join.
Youth interested in joining a club should contact several 4-H club Organizational Advisors about membership in their clubs.
We can help you find a club in your area, just give us a call. Here are some good questions to ask the advisor:
Is this club accepting new members?
What kind of projects do members take in this club?
When and where are the club meetings held?
How much does 4-H cost?
Cost to an individual member depends on club dues and the type of projects selected. Some projects will cost more to complete than others. For example, a leadership projects will not cost as much as a livestock project.
For Ross County membership, the county has a $10.00 annual per member fee.
What is a 4-H project?
4-H projects are planned learning experiences and activities that focus on a particular topic.
Imagine from choosing from over 200 4-H Projects:
•assemble a rocket or radio-controlled vehicle
•care for your pet cat or dog or hamster
•become a welder or a carpenter
•write a creative story with your own by-line
•re-decorate your bedroom
•learn to show a hog or feed out a steer
•shop for a new outfit or sew up a new one
•cook or bake a new recipe
•4-H has a project designed just for you!
For a complete listing of 4-H projects available, refer to the 2017 Ohio 4-H Family Guide.
Take a look at the accomplishments of members in 2016.
County Fair Exhibition
Ross County Fair Exhibition is a privilege and is encouraged. In order to exhibit at the county fair and receive project premium(s), members must complete the 4-H enrollment process by March 1 and fulfull the county judging process.
Welcome to Ross County 4-H!
Welcome to Ross County 4-H! is a Quick Guide For Parents with info about:
- What does my Child Need to Do in 4-H?
- Projects.
- Fair.
- What should I expect from the Club Advisor?
- What does my Child's 4-H Club expect from me?
How do we get more involved in 4-H?
That's easy... Contact us at:
OSU Extension-Ross County
475 Western Avenue, Suite F
Chillicothe, Ohio 45601
phone: 740-702-3200
fax: 740-702-3209